Welcome to our free social marketing course! This is the first free social media marketing course in South Africa, designed to help anyone #dodigitalbetter . You're on Module 8 of 8.
Module 1 - Introduction to Social Media Marketing
Module 2 - Facebook Masterclass - Introduction to Facebook
Module 3 - Instagram Masterclass - Rock your Instagram
Module 4 - Twitter Masterclass - Taking Flight on Twitter
Module 5 - LinkedIn Masterclass - I Mean Business on LinkedIn
Module 6 - Social Media Strategy Masterclass - How to craft a social media strategy
Module 7 - Measurement & Optimization Masterclass - Social Media Analytics
Module 8 - Exam

Wow - you've completed seven modules and are well on your way to becoming a social media guru.
What do I need to know before I start?
1. The exam covers all modules except for bonus sections which were explicitly labelled. Please ensure you have watched all the videos and downloaded and reviewed all seven modules' worth of content before attempting the exam.
2. Please answer all questions - no skipping is allowed!
3. You will need 70% or more in order to pass and receive a certificate via email within 48 hours
4. If you do not receive 70% or more, you can resit the exam at your next earliest convenience, simply reclick the link above and try again.
5. You have unlimited attempts to complete the paper, at no additional cost to you
6. You have as long as you need so no need to rush through
What happens if something goes wrong?
If you experience difficulty with the platform at any point, please contact support@dodigital.academy so that we can resolve the issue quickly for you.
Ready? Let's go - click the link below.